Tuesday, 15 April 2014

The Prezzy

Nowt ever runs just so does it……..I ordered a 40th Wedding Anniversary present for Jackie, off the internet to prove to myself that I am still with it as far as all this technology stuff goes.
Now being a tight fisted Yorkshire bloke, when it came to selecting the delivery method, I could not bring myself to click on the box that said express delivery, I told myself that there would be people who were more in need of that service and I would never want to be the one to deprive anyone of a much needed space in the queue. Plus ‘standard delivery’ was free!
So I waited. I checked my order status on line, and it was on it’s way.
And I waited.
The day before our anniversary, still waiting, I thought I had better do something about the situation, it may have been the inner fear of impending doom that caused me to spring into action.
I ran around town looking at jewellery with red stones [even very rich Yorkshiremen can’t ‘afford’ real rubies!] and eventually plumped for a nice necklace.
Chuffed, I marched back to the car. I pulled out of my space in the car park feeling very pleased with myself, if somewhat miffed that I had now spent far more on a replacement than I would have done had I chosen the ‘express delivery’ option. As I pulled out an old gent signalled his intention to pull into my space. I let him in, and in a spirit of true generosity, I asked if he would like my ticket, as it had plenty of time left on it.
Leaving the car park, the phone rang:
“Mick, there is a parcel to pick up down at the post office, are you still down in Otley?”
“Just leaving the car park” I replied, “but, no problem, I will park up and collect it.”
It did turn out to be a bit of a problem as I had just given the last parking space away and had to drive round and round until one became available. After what seemed an age, one became available, and it slowly dawned on me that I had compounded the problem as I now had to buy a ticket with far too much time on it because I did not have the right change – again!
Now Fridays, being a Market day in Otley can be a bit busy, so when I got to the Post Office, I had to queue. I had just started to think that it was a good job I got a long time on the ticket when it was finally my turn to be served.
“Oh!” said the woman behind the glass, ”we don’t deal with returned post here, you need to go to the parcel counter around the corner.”
Bugger! I thought, but OK round the corner it is, after all this was the present I had been expecting to be delivered all week.
I told the guy behind the counter that I had a parcel to pick up and gave him the reference number. He disappeared for a long time. Eventually he came back carrying a red envelope. “I am afraid there is £1.50 to pay”
“I am afraid that what you have in your hand is not what I was expecting.”
“Well”, he said, “I wouldn’t have called it a parcel.”
I paid the money and took the envelope.
Back up home at long last, Jackie told me that the parcel van had just been round and there was something in the front room. Here was my parcel at last! – Jackie had an extra present but never mind!
I turned my attention to the red envelope, It was a card from Alan Didwell, unfortunately, he could not come to the party……………….

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