Friday, 21 March 2014

I am blown away by the skill of my three daughters.
The most fabulous anniversary cake ever..........heh heh-toppped with a Moss Malvern!

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Egged on

I should have known it was a mistake to drive back from St James's Hospital [where we had just been visiting the mum in law] via Harehills. If you don't know Leeds, let us just say that Harehills has a bit of an international flavour about it, Oh! who am I kidding, I had to bribe the guard at the border post!
But seriously, there were two youths walking down the middle of the main road and as I got close one of them raised his arm and pelted my car with an egg, resulting in several hundred pounds worth of improvements. Luckily for them they missed the windscreen or I may have run them over! .............................................I may still run them over if they are in the road tomorrow.

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Binary bollocks

Looked at the dash as I pulled up outside and the mileage reading was 111111 which either means:

a/ the car has done an inordinate number of miles and I should therefore prepare myself for things to start failing.

b/ the car has done an inordinate number of miles and things are failing, starting with the mileage display.

c/ I have slipped into a parallel universe where only binary numbers exist and the car has just clocked up a grand total of 63 miles.

I think I prefer the latter, this would also explain why Jackie's tax return never got to the inland revenue in time to prevent them giving us a fine of £100. If this truly is a parallel universe I should send a check for four pounds and hope I do not hear anything else!