Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Pathetic sometimes

I have realized that I have developed some really quirky habits, for example I ALWAYS turn a biscuit over to see what type of conveyor band it has been baked on. I always look carefully at the egg custards in the Supermarket to make sure that the Nutmeg depositor [that I designed] is still working correctly, I check the number of mini Swiss rolls in a tub, just to make sure that the pot fillers are still working properly. I suppose that I am one of the few people who can never get away from their work, plus I have hundreds of excuses to buy things for scientific research!

Thursday, 21 March 2013


There are those that think they know everything, these are the ones who don't know that they don't know everything.
There are those who know that they don't know everything, these are the ones that know that the ones who don't know that they don't know everything know Jack Shit.

With humble apologies to Donald Rumsfeld for almost stealing an idea!