I think I may have the answer to it all......
If we build plenty of council houses, enough so there is no longer a shortage [we may as well, there are plenty of unemployed builders who would otherwise be claiming benefits], then charge low rents, this would have the effect of reducing private rents and therefore the amount of housing benefit the government has to pay out. And if people can live more cheaply then there would be less need to pay large wages to keep peoples standard of living up [hear me out first!], meaning that goods made in the UK would be cheaper and would sell more. There would be more jobs, and less reason to stay on benefits. Money would be generated in manufacturing [by trade], where it would do far more good than it currently does in the hands of rich landlords [money generated by taxing those of us in work]........oh and this means taxes can be lower as well once the houses are paid for. Simples